Mohit Kumar

B.Sc (hons) 3rd year student of Computer science.

Student at Jaypee University Anoopshahr

Studied at S.K.D Public School Salempur, Bulandshahr

Very Large Scale Integration

Assignment of VLSI and First Chapter hand made notes, For E.C.E Branch Students

Verilog HDL Synthesis A Practical Primer

A books of Verilog HDL Synthesis A Practical Primer for E.C.E Students..

IC Technology and BJT Fabrication

Available below is the topic of IC Technology, BJT Fabrication. Process of formation of devices and Integrated Circuits.

Optical Communications

Hand Written notes of Optical Communications by Prof. Anuj Kumar Maurya of Jaypee University Anoopshahr.

Signals and Systems

Experiment sheet and Tutorials of Signals and Systems For E.C.E Branch Students

Hand Gesture Recognition Using Image Analysis and Neural Network

Hand gesture recognition system is used for interfacing between computer and human using hand gestures.

Probability Theory and Random Processes

Tutorial Sheets of Probability Theory and Random Processes for B.Tech 4th Semester Students.

Digital Electronics

Books related to Digital Electronics.

Tutorial sheets of D.S

Tutorial sheets for B.Tech 2nd Semester. Test your skills with these tutorial sheets.

All about multimedia Labs.

All about multimedia labs and programming concepts related to multimedia.

Handwritten Digits Recognizer

This is helpful to correctly identify digits from a data-set of tens of thousands of handwritten images. The data files train.csv and test.csv contain gray-scale images of hand drawn digits, from zero through nine.

Android Libraries for House-ads and Securityā€¯

This project report is an Android library to cross promote your apps, sites. It includes a dialog, Interstitial & a Customizable Native Ad fetched from a json stored on a site/server. House-ad refers to a self-promotional advertisements.