Mohit Kumar

B.Sc (hons) 3rd year student of Computer science.

Student at Jaypee University Anoopshahr

Studied at S.K.D Public School Salempur, Bulandshahr

Lab programs implementations using C language in Window environment.

This lab complements the operating systems course. Students will gain practical experience with implementing concepts of operating systems such as system calls, CPU scheduling, process management, memory management, file systems using C language in Window environment.

Review on Brain Tumour Detection using Digital Image Processing

Medical image processing is the most challenging and emerging field today. This paper describes the methodology detection and extraction of brain tumour from patient’s MRI scan images of the brain. In this paper,A method for segmentation of brain tumour has been developed on 2D-MRI data which allows the identification of tumour issue with high accuracy and reproducibility compared to manual techniques. This method incorporates with some noise removal functions, segmentation and morphological operations which are the basic concepts of image processing. Detection and extraction of tumour from MRI scan images of the brain is done by using MATLAB software. The aim of this work is design an automated tool for brain tumour quantification using MRI image data sets.