Knowledge in Wedding Industry

Wedding Industry

This unit gives you a basic idea of the statistics of the wedding industry. It explains the need and role of a wedding planner. It also provide you basic tips yo prepare for a wedding budget. It carries a detailed checklist to keep a track on wedding budget.

Wedding Industry pt.2

This unit gives you a basic idea of the statistics of the wedding industry. It explains the need and role of a wedding planner. It also provide you basic tips yo prepare for a wedding budget. It carries a detailed checklist to keep a track on wedding budget.

Wedding Industry pt.3

This unit gives you a basic idea of the statistics of the wedding industry. It explains the need and role of a wedding planner. It also provide you basic tips yo prepare for a wedding budget. It carries a detailed checklist to keep a track on wedding budget.

Wedding Industry pt.4

This unit gives you a basic idea of the statistics of the wedding industry. It explains the need and role of a wedding planner. It also provide you basic tips yo prepare for a wedding budget. It carries a detailed checklist to keep a track on wedding budget.

Work flow

This unit will provide you checklist for catering services and wedding checklists that will help you better plan for wedding. This unit also briefs you about how to delegate the tasks into smaller bits and overview the entire wedding flow.

Work flow pt.2

This unit will provide you checklist for catering services and wedding checklists that will help you better plan for wedding. This unit also briefs you about how to delegate the tasks into smaller bits and overview the entire wedding flow.

Work flow pt.3

This unit will provide you checklist for catering services and wedding checklists that will help you better plan for wedding. This unit also briefs you about how to delegate the tasks into smaller bits and overview the entire wedding flow.

Work flow pt.4

This unit will provide you checklist for catering services and wedding checklists that will help you better plan for wedding. This unit also briefs you about how to delegate the tasks into smaller bits and overview the entire wedding flow.