Knowledge in unit 3

heat transfer

Unit 3 complete heat transfer , all about evaporation , introduction , processess


Unit 3 of chemical engineering , all about adsorption , absorption , adsorbent , absorbent , effect of temperature etc.

taylors series method unit 3

unit 3 , taylors series method of maths 3rd year chemical engineering

PDC part 2,3 unit 3

pdc unit 3 part 2 and 3 for chemical engineering 3rd year

pdc unit 3 part 4

part4 complete of unit 3 pdc of chemical engineering 3rd year

pdc unit 3 part 5,6

chemical engineering 3rd year pdc unit 3 part 5 and 6

process equipment design unit3

chemical engineering 3rd year , unit 3 of process equipment design complete topis covered

TP unit 3

TP unit 3 all complete chemical engineering 3rd year

Food and beverage unit 3

best arts course unit 3 complete of Food and beverage

Automation in Tourism unit 3

Complete course overview of unit 3 Automation in Tourism

tourism economics unit 3

complete course overview of tourism economics unit 3

Btech(Computer science) 4th Semester Database management system (DBMS) Unit 3

These notes are for the subject Database management system(DBMS) in the Fourth Semester of BTech computer science(CSE) ie. the second year These notes are easy to understand and grasp. These will you to score good marks in the exam