Knowledge in SQL Create Constraints

SQL Create Constraints

SQL constraints are used to specify rules for data in a table. ________________________________________ SQL Create Constraints Constraints can be specified when the table is created with the CREATE TABLE statement, or after the table is created with the ALTER TABLE statement. Syntax CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype constraint, column2 datatype constraint, column3 datatype constraint, .... );

SQL DEFAULT Constraint

SQL DEFAULT Constraint The DEFAULT constraint is used to provide a default value for a column. The default value will be added to all new records IF no other value is specified. SQL DEFAULT on CREATE TABLE The following SQL sets a DEFAULT value for the "City" column when the "Persons" table is created:

Constraints and Lagrangian Dynamics

Constraints and Lagrangian Dynamics by Dr. Yogesh Sonvane, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat I hope it helps my peers to get good marks in SY Mechanical Engineering. Constraints › Discussion up to now  All mechanics is reduced to solving a set of simultaneous, coupled, 2 nd order differential equations which come from Newton’s 2 nd Law applied to each mass individually: (dpi/dt) = mi (d2 ri/dt2 ) = Fi (e) + ∑jFji  Given forces & initial conditions, the problem is reduced to pure math! › Oversimplification!! Many systems have CONSTRAINTS which limits their motion. – Example: Rigid Body. Constraints keep rij = constant. – Example: Particle motion on the surface of a sphere