Microsoft Internet Explorer (abbreviated IE or MSIE) is a free web browser application produced by Microsoft in 1995 that comes bundled with the Microsoft Windows operating system(OS). It is most commonly used browser in universe. This was introduced in 1995 along with Windows 95 by Thomas Reardon. This file is about the ,internet explorer control buttons, web address,search engine, social networking sites. Following are the social networking site: TWITTER,TUMBLR,LINKEDIN,FACEBOOK,FLICKER,SKYPE,YELP,VIMEO,YAHOO,GOOGLE+,YOUTUBE,WHATSAPP,INSTAGRAM.

Social networking

Social networks are Internet-based software systems that allow people who share interests and activities to easily communicate. These sites provide various ways for users to interact, such as chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat, file sharing, blogging, and discussion groups.

Technological awareness

As the popularity of social networking sites continues to grow, so do the security risks associated with them. ... Because of the threat posed by cyber criminals, taking it upon yourself to secure your social networking accounts is of the utmost importance.

social networking sites security

notes on social networking sites security in cyber security.