Knowledge in service workers

How to Win a Worker’s Compensation Case

At any time, you could become injured at work. This is never a nice moment, but it can be somewhat rectified in the form of compensation. If your employer isn’t quick to compensate you, then you may have to file a case against them. But how do you go about doing this? Below are five steps to help you file and win your worker’s compensation case.Know Your Rights BeforehandBefore you sign any contract with a new employer, make sure you understand your rights. Are there any risks involved in taking this job? If so, it should be listed in the contract. You may be waiving these rights away when you sign, so do your research. This puts you in a good position to quickly spot when you might be entitled to compensation.Collect EvidenceAs soon as the injury occurs, you need to be collecting evidence. Take photos of the scene and record conversations with witnesses. The sooner you have this evidence documented, the more effective it will be in court. Be sure to photograph any injuries, as well. If you wait until they’re healed, then it will be hard for a court to accurately assess the full impact of the accident.Study the LawAs you recover from your injuries, be sure to study the local law. This might be daunting at first, but you can quickly find information online. This will help you confirm that you have a case and that you’re not wasting your time in seeking compensation. Laws vary by region, so make sure you know exactly what the regulations are in your local area.Put Together Your CaseNext, you can start putting together your case. Look at the evidence you’ve gathered and combine it with your understanding of the law. Imagine you’re a lawyer representing yourself. How would you put forward the most convincing and compelling case that you think would convince a judge to take your side? Consider the counter-arguments that your employer might make and how you would respond to these.Hire Legal RepresentationThe more you can do on your own, the more likely you’ll be to win your case. However, you can’t do it completely alone. Get legal support. You need to find an experienced lawyer you can trust who can take your case to the next level and maximize your chances of getting a positive result. To find a qualified San Mateo workers compensation lawyer, visit Law Offices of David Lowe.