Knowledge in Rehabilitation Psychology

When God is your only friend?

Religious people who lack friends and purpose in life turn to God to fill those voids, according to new University of Michigan research. Belonging is related to a sense of purpose. When people feel like they do not belong or unsupported by their relationships, they consistently have a lower sense of purpose and direction in life, says lead author Todd Chan, a doctoral student in the U-M Department of Psychology. Chan and colleagues say that having a belief system that adequately "substitutes" for some of the functions of human relationships, like having a God that values and supports them, may allow socially disconnected people to restore some of this purpose. "For the socially disconnected, God may serve as a substitutive relationship that compensates for some of the purpose that human relationships would normally provide," Chan said. In three separate studies, the U-M researchers analyze the responses from 19,775 people who described their purpose in life, levels of loneliness, the quality of their friendships and religious beliefs. These beliefs generally provide social comfort. The research shows that seeing God as your friend when you are already socially connected actually provides minimal additional benefit for purpose in life. "In other words, people mostly benefit from leveraging religion and turning to God as a friend only when they lack supportive social connections," Chan said. This research also informs how people can cope with disconnection when other people are unavailable or unappealing. To feel less disconnected, people would ideally "get out there" and improve their social contacts, but this is not always feasible given that an inherent part of social disconnection is that people have poor relationships or are rejected, the researchers say. The new U-M study continues previous research showing that people who are socially disconnected are more likely to see human-like qualities in things like pets, imaginary beings and God. "Our research suggests, given two people who feel equally disconnected, the individual who feels more connected to God will have a better sense of purpose in life," said co-author Nicholas Michalak, a psychology graduate student. Although the results suggest that religion and God compensate for lost purpose in the socially disconnected, it did not restore purpose to a level comparable to that of people who are socially connected. "These results certainly do not suggest that people can or should rely on God over people for purpose," said co-author Oscar Ybarra, professor of psychology and faculty associate at the U-M Institute for Social Research. "Quality human connections still remain a primary and enduring source of purpose in life." In addition, the findings do not suggest that people who are socially disconnected are more likely to become religious if they were not already.


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Drug Rehab Centres - An Optimal Solution For Drug Addicts!

Looking into drug rehab programs? The fact of the matter is that drug addiction is not an easy thing to get over. Many people tend to underestimate the power of drug addiction and how much influence it can have on one's behavior and life. we have the best drug rehabilitation centre in Mumbai. Fortunately, in today's modern era of medicine, there are a variety of solutions to the problem. Drug treatment centres are professional and experienced programs that pay all of their focus on employing the best possible treatments in order to help a drug addict recover from his or her addiction. Drug and alcohol rehab centres are the best options for addicts. Drug Rehab Treatment Centres - Why Are They Important?Thanks to advances in neuroscience and psychology, addiction specialists have specially created inpatient drug addiction therapies in order to help millions of substance abusers achieve long-term sobriety each and every year.Despite the great success of these programs, you may still not understand what happens during the rehab process. It is important that you gain awareness of treatment issues at such addiction clinics in case you ever need to seek such professional help. Here are a few of the most effective treatments that are used during the rehab process.Drug Rehab Via Individual Counselling SessionsIf you're looking into such treatments, then you should know that one-on-one counselling with professional addiction specialists is the most successful kind of drug addiction treatment. By fully understanding why you began to ever use drugs in the first place, you'll formulate strategies that will help with any future drug desires.Drug Rehab Via Reality TherapiesReality therapy may help you overcome your addiction in two main ways. Drug rehab facilities will require that you clean, cook, make schedules, shop, and perform some other regular daily activities as you receive treatment. Doing such tasks in the treatment centre will make the change back to the outside world a whole lot easier!Overall, such techniques will assist you in remaining in control of your cravings when going through life's hard encounters.Drug Addiction Treatment Via Cognitive-Behavioural TherapyWhen understanding this therapy, you'll be taught that your emotions are in fact a result of your thoughts and that you can't avoid any negative feelings by thinking rationally through your problems.Such a degree of control is important for a recovering addict because control issues are often the cause of development of addictions. Drug rehab treatment centres can make you drug-free quickly and effectively! You can contact us through our website, we have the best rehabilitation centre in Mumbai. As there are many facilities to help and deal with such alcohol and drug-related issues in India, there are many top rehab centres in India where top-notch accommodation facilities are thus provided. Having the basic amenities of air-conditioned rooms and dormitories with the supply of hot water, veg, and non-veg food menu, satellite TV, and the availability of indoor games, the rehab centres also have a 24/7 medical and support staff, with a panel of medical and psychiatric staff and also an experienced counselling team with top reputed therapists. One will also have the 24/7 availability of ambulances with clean and modern living areas which would indeed provide positive health being.