Knowledge in Reading comphresion

Communication skills-Reading comphresion

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and examples related to Communication skills regarding Reading comphresion .You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Communication skills-Reading comphresion Exercises

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and examples related to Communication skills regarding exercises of reading comprehension .You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Reading and listening

It tells how to improve reading skills.

SQ4R method for effective reading

The SQ4R Method of reading effectivelySQ4R is a flexible reading strategy because it engages the reader during each phase of the reading process. Readers preview/SURVEY (S) the text material to develop predictions and set the purpose for the reading by generating QUESTIONS (Q) about the topic. They READ (1R) actively, searching for answers to those questions. They monitor their comprehension as they summarize WRITE (2R) & RECITE (3R). They evaluate their comprehension through REVIEW (4R) activities. Two general learning components must be addressed as you begin the reading process and the SQ4R method will activate them:First, place the reading in CONTEXT. What is the reading about and do you have any prior knowledge about this subject to help you extract the meaning that you are looking for? The SURVEY and SYSTEMATIC reading puts this process into motion. You get an overview that will "jog your memory" as you search for prior knowledge on the subject. Ask questions about what you don't know. Make the questions simple and general if you don't have much prior knowledge and more specific if this is an area of study that is familiar to you. Using these questions will GUIDE YOUR SPEED AND COMPREHENSION as you attempt to answer them.REMEMBER, THE STUDENT THAT IS ENGAGED IN READING IS MOTIVATED, STRATEGIC, KNOWLEDGEABLE, AND SOCIALLY INTERACTIVE.How to Use SQ4R1. Survey what you are about to read•   Systematic Reading•   Think about the title: What do you know about this subject?•   What do I want to know?•   Glance over headings and/skim the first sentences of paragraphs.•   Look at illustrations and graphic aids.•   Read the first paragraph.•   Read the last paragraph or summary.2. QuestionTurn the title and sub-titles into wh-element question. This becomes the major purpose for your reading.•   Write down any questions that come to mind during the survey.•   Turn headings into questions.•   Turn subheadings, illustrations, and graphic aids into questions.•   Write down unfamiliar vocabulary and determine the meaning.3. Read Actively•   Read to search for answers to the questions set.•   Respond to objectives and use context clues for unfamiliar words.•   React to unclear passages, confusing terms, and questionable statements by generating additional questions.4. Recite•   Look away from the answers and the book to recall what was read.•   Recite answers to the questions aloud or in writing.•   Reread text for unanswered questions.5. wRite•   Make "maps" for yourself.•   Reduce the information•   Reread or skim to locate and prove your points.•   Write down the key terms and ideas in outline form.•   Always read/question/recite before marking or taking down notes.•   Check yourself against the text. Correct and add to your answer.6. Review•   Answer the major purpose questions.•   Look over answers and all parts of the chapter to organize the information.•   Summarize the information learned by creating a graphic organizer (concept map) that depicts the main ideas, by drawing a flow chart, by writing a summary,•   You can also summarize by participating in a group discussion, or by writing an explanation of how this material has changed your perceptions or applies to your life.

reading strategy in eng

This presentation is prepared by faculty of sreenidhi. It helps to have a better glance of important topics before any competitive exams. It gives us vivid knowledge in different areas. These presentations give better and clear understanding for topics mentioned. These presentations help students to prepare for competitive exams and also to have a quick glance for topics mentioned.


This document contains important content based on READING (COMMUNICATION SKILLS )

Here Is How to Improve Reeding Skills of Kids Under 300 Words

As your kids get a little older and their reading skills tend to get more and more intense. Reading requires a lot of energy and concentration to understand the stories & theories or anything. Kids need to complete growth. This can be causing a fair amount of stress for children who struggle with reading. Even causing a headache for parents too. That is why reading is one of the most challenging tasks to have students complete in the classroom. Make reading easy for your kids by considering the following tips:Step 1: Read With ThemShared reading has a lot of advantages. As a good parent, you have to read with them. It stimulates communication and reading development and instills con#dence in children. It can also create positive reading attitudes in your kids and expand their tone of speech and language understanding.Step 2: Set Daily GoalsWhether you set a daily, weekly, or monthly goal to read certain pages or stories, kids will get bene#t from it. Setting goals makes reading interesting and engage kids in the study as well.Step 3: Search for Common Themes Have your ward look for common themes when they are reading. Getting students to announce themes to the class is a bene#cial way to excel in their learnings and reading as well.Step 4: Make Abbreviations & Take Notes While Reading Making abbreviations and taking notes while reading forces students to pay more attention. And helps to remember things easily in the future. Help kids in summarizing after achieving your daily goal of reading. Highlight and annotate throughout the text. Step 5: Ask Questions About What They’re Reading To encourage reading comprehension, ask questions before, during, and after reading. For example, “What do you think is going to happen?,” “Do you enjoy reading this book? Why?” or “Would you have done the same thing as the main character?”Step 6: Conclusion We believe in a world where every child can read. Our mission is to provide education that can empower the next generation. We do that at GD Goenka Public School - Jhajjar, by creating educational programs and providing necessary resources in under privileged areas. That makes us the Best CBSE School in Jhajjar Haryana. You can believe us because we provide smart school facility allocation, and therefore we are highly recommended as the <a href="">Best school in Haryana</a> . Here are some other answers that a parent want to know -