Knowledge in physics Entrance Exam

Engineering physics chapter 1 interfrence 3

In this pdf their is full knowledge of engineering physics chapter 1 interference with important terms.

Multi Ferroric Materials

physic notes on multi Ferroric Materials

wave function and Schrodinger Equations

properties of wave function and Schrödinger equations


This pdf contains important notes based on ACOUSTICS ( PHYSICS ), This pdf is very important for first year student

Data sufficiency for CAT

Hey Guyz, find below the notes for DATA Sufficiency, it would be helpful for competitive exams. Understand the rules of DS and a few examples.

Data interpretation rules and examples

The process of interpreting the data from its precise form is called Data Interpretation. Types of representation of data, how to approach the solution for the problem etc. Data Interpretation is a part of every MBA entrance exam.

Data interpretation questions for MBA aspirants

Find below the problems associated with DI, the quality of questions increases as you go along solving those. If you solved every question in the file, you have a good command over DI.

Physics handwritten notes

Physics notes handwritten . Useful for competitive exams and giving edge to your subject.