These are very precise and good quality notes which will make you an ease in studying this chapter. .

Notes of Linear Programming Problem(LPP), Quantitative Techniques for Management

This pdf contains notes of Linear Programming Problem(LPP) (Unit 1) of Quantitative Techniques for management.

Notes of Linear Programming(Simplex Method)

This clip contains notes of Linear Programming Problem(LPP), Quantitative Techniques For Management.

Linear Programming Problem

Definition: A linear programming problem consists of a linear function to be maximized or minimized subject to certain constraints in the form of linear equations or inequalities. Set up the following linear programing problems.

Linear Equations Book by Aman

linear Equations is based on the graphic basically where we want to know the x and y value by solution


These are some of the examples and questions for assignment problem in linear programming.... Step wise step method to solve a question and there is a proof of theorem too

Simplex method

Simplex method Is generally used to solve a linear programming problem.... Here we see this in a matrix form and find for a basic feasible solution and there are some examples given for the same

Duality theorey

The duality theory is also one of the most important theory in Linear programming.... It has two types i.e. primal problem and dual problem.... We find a correspondence between entities in primal and dual problems

Parametric LPP

Parametric LPP is a linear programming problem in which model parameters generally changes... we have the optimal solution of a function for a parametric LPP

Dual simplex method

This method is generally applied to the the dual problem especially primal problem..... examples for the given method are given

Transportation problem

Transportation problem is the most important problem in the Linear programming subject and even one question is confirm in the exams for the same.... The general objective is to reduce the overall transportation cost

Assignment problem

Assignment problem is one of the type of transportation problem in which we have to assign the origins to a number of destination with minimum cost and assignment has been assigned to perform tasks