Knowledge in ethics case study

Human values and professional ethics

These are the basic modules on human values and professional ethics built by experienced faculty. The content in the artucles are in student friendly way and easily understandable. It consists of 4 modules . The four modules are very much needed for every graduate. These human values and professional ethics are very much important in everyone's life.

Telephone manners

Basic telephone etiquettes required for anyone doing a job related to many professional phone calls

Business Ethics Case Study

In the social sciences and life sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a subject of study, as well as its related contextual conditions. Case studies can be produced by following a formal research method.


The Constitution of India does not provide for a state religion. Article 25(1) states, "Subject to public order, morality and health and to the other provisions of this Part, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practise and propagate religion". Article 19 gives all citizens the right to freedom of speech and expression but subject to "reasonable restrictions" for preserving inter alia "public order, decency or morality". Article 28 prohibits any religious instruction in any educational institution wholly maintained out of state funds.

The Mass Audience Lives! (Or Does It?)

The Mass Audience Lives! (Or Does It?)

Theories of ethics of a comapny

This is a ppt on theories of ethics and how a company should perform ethically in bussiness world. There are theories of ethics by different views and ideas .


THIS notes contain question related too Ethics and values like what is ethics .Why ethics are important

C programming: Storage Class

Notes of Storage class of c programming

Universal human values and ethics

This above givan PPT is question paper of human ethics and values which will healthy students who are appearing Hindi exams this chapter is also come to study in class 10th and below the class 10th and also the chapters are covered in the graduation part.