Knowledge in data structure mcq

Data Structure Q&A

Wondering what is asked in the viva of data structure? You are at the right place, i can provide you with the solution to this problem. The below attatched pdf contains relevant question and answers that can be asked during the data sturucture viva. course - computer science, subject- Data Structures & algorithms.

Hotel management system

this is a c code that implements a retail service for hotel managment systems usinf files , data structures in c.

doubly linked lists

In computer science, a doubly linked list is a linked data structure that consists of a set of sequentially linked records called nodes. Each node contains three fields: two link fields (references to the previous and to the next node in the sequence of nodes) and one data field.

Binary Search program

Knowledge about Binary search program in data structure

Record with variable length

Knowledge about record with variable length in data structure.

Transforming Infix expression into postfix expression

Knowledge about transforming infix expression into postfix expression in data structure

Deques in data structure

Knowledge about Deques in data structure

Trees or binary trees

Knowledge about trees and binary trees in data structure

Data Structures Question Paper

data structures question papers

Searching - DSA notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Searching - DSA notes . This is part of book DSA made easy.