Knowledge in Class 12 political science chapter 5

Challenges to an Restoration of the Congress system

27 may 1964 Jawaharlal Nehru passed away India after the death of Nehru Dangerous decade for India From Nehru to Shastri Prime minister Shastri challenges India after Shastri The senior Congress leader supported Indira Gandhi 4th general election 1967 Contacts of the elections Non congressism Non Congress parties Politicians Indira versus Syndicate Two challenges before Indira Gandhi Presidential election 1969 Split in congress The 1971 election Election result

Class 12 political science: Security in the Contemporary World

Class 12 Political Science Securities in the Contemporary World question bank and hinted answers for questions.

Class 12 political science: End of Bi-polarity

Class 12 Political Science Solved questions for NCERT chapter 2 : End of Bi-Polariity. It includes questions related to Soviet Union, the features of Soviet system and USSR reforms