Knowledge in cbse class 10th foundation of information technologyfit course overview

Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation

Their various types of Shallow Foundation and bearing capacity is good to carry a load for many years

class 10 th NCERT chapter 3 full handwritten notes

this is pdf which is consist a notes of class 10 th chpater 3 full this my handwritten notes you can download free of cost .so please download

Chemical reactions and equations class 10th

This clip contains handwritten neat and clean handwritten notes of class 10th chemistry, which will help in easy revision.

Acids bases and Salts class 10th

This clip contains handwritten neat and clean handwritten notes of class 10th chemistry on acids bases and salts, which will help in easy revision.

Metals and non metals class 10th

This clip contains handwritten neat and clean handwritten notes of class 10th chemistry on metals and non metals which will help in easy revision.

Carbon and its compounds class 10th

This clip contains handwritten neat and clean handwritten notes of class 10th chemistry on carbon and its compounds which will help in easy revision.

Periodic Classification of elements class 10th

This clip contains handwritten neat and clean handwritten notes of class 10th chemistry on periodic classification of elements which will help in easy revision.

Introduction to trigonometry class 10th

This clip contains revision exercises of class 10th mathematics on introduction to trigonometry which will help in easy revision.

Coordinate geometry class 10th

This clip contains revision notes and exercises for class 10th mathematics on coordinate geometry which will help in easy revision.

Probability Class 10th

This clip contains revision notes and excercises for class 10th mathematics on probability which will help in easy revision.