Jashan Sidhu Jashan Sidhu

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” ― Brigham Young

Today, we will learn about the mighty woman and how she uses the internet, also how safe is the internet for her usage.

So, what’s the problem?

The problem isn’t only that women are more likely to be treated badly on the web, but also that most of the women don’t take action against it. According to several research & surveys, women are more targeted in cyber crimes and due to this many ladies just don’t use the internet as they are afraid of it. Even if we check the tech industry, we will find that we’re missing out on the innovations and creations that the ladies our globe can make. So, the problem is not only the ways of treatment, but also the ways in which we react to it. If more women are tech geeks or at least have some good basics of its working they can make this place safer, not only for themselves, but for every internet user.

What are its main causes?

Coming to the causes of this problem there are various factors that we need to observe carefully:

There are many pervs on the web: This was one of the comments that I got on the poll and I agree with the commentator. The internet is full of people that just use it for teasing others, the motive could be something serious or something crappy as flirting. But seriously this needs to be stopped! (Angry)

They don’t fight back: Every time a woman receives a spam message from anyone she has a choice to ignore or make him realise his place, but unfortunately 4 out of every 5 women choose to just ignore the person. I believe that if they made at least one guy understand his mistake than no one else will dare to do something like that again. (Surprised)

Lack of knowledge: If we talk about a particular country then there are more tech geek women in US who have that great knowledge that I can’t imagine, but when we see from the global view the is a scarcity of women are interested in the scene behind the working web. Many women use the web, but as compared the men only a few of them try to learn about the working of the internet or its security. (Sad)

Lack of the resources:  The number of encouragements, the number of teachers and the number of resources to make people learn about the web is very low. If we check the today’s schools, their computer classes teach us Excel, word or sometimes one paragraph of antivirus. But the number of resources that can actually show us the real face of the internet and how it is affecting our life is very less. Due to this not only women, but everyone is highly affected. (Strange, but true.)

The stereotype thinking: We keep on thinking that men are responsible for the safety of the women but in real the women are more responsible for their protection. I think that women don’t need these so called “strong” men for them, they can become independent if we stop treating them as inferior, even this article feels like that, but it is important as a wake-up call for them, whose motto is to make them realise the issues, their causes and some of the solutions.

Let’s talk about the solutions:

“We do not need to attend classroom training programmes for everything. Observation opens the windows of knowledge around us.” 

Lend a hand to help: There are numerous computer bloggers and geeks like me here and if we all worked to teach others what we know we will be albe to bring a change. At starting is will be small, but it will gain power as it will spread by person to person like a viral disease; disease to be safe and make others safe too. (We are the Change!)

World cheat the fools only: One of the commentators said that web is not safe for idiots or people who can’t handle themselves. She meant that internet is just like the real world economy; the game of the name. If we learnt about the psychology of this virtual world along with its working, we can easily fight back most of the convicts present out there.

Sharing is Saving: Girls keep on sharing all the stuff with their gossip gals so, why not some techy girls or even boys share these things with their best buddies so that they can make their circles safe on the web.

Using internet for the internet: What can’t we learn from the web? We can also use it for its own safety, Internet is full of blogs like ours where you can learn and also share things related to the web & its safety.

Share & Solve: If we kept our problems hidden deep inside us then there will be no solution to them. You can share your problems with anyone you trust, it can be your friends, family members or anyone. You can also share your problems with us anonymously using our confession service. And if someone shares his/her problem with you, you can use your skills to solve their problem and together make the world safe.

What else is important?

Once we have ensured everyone’s safety it is important that we end their fear too. As I wrote above, some people don’t use internet because they are afraid of it, but if we want we can make them realise it is not something to fear, rather it is more useful than your maths teacher. There are many organisations like Google working to get the women, also men on the internet. We can also ask teach our known ones to try the internet of things for anything they want, from cooking recipes to husband repairing. .

Jashan Sidhu

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Jashan Sidhu