Tameka Cowher Tameka Cowher

Our bodies have many amazing self-regulating mechanisms, one of which is the production of earwax. It is important for the health of our ears because it has a protective function and is responsible for maintaining optimal moisture and cleanliness in the ear canals. Although many people consider earwax harmless and do not pay any attention to it, this substance can be uncomfortable if there is an excess.

When earwax builds up, it can lead to the formation of an earwax plug. How does this happen? Many people clean their ears improperly, using cotton swabs. As a result, they form clots of earwax in the veins of the ear canal. If water comes in, this clot can swell up, blocking the ear canal. This is an earwax plug!

What are the symptoms of an earwax plug?

An earwax plug can cause several unpleasant symptoms that do not go away. On the contrary, without treatment, the situation gets worse every day.

  • Hearing loss. This is one of the most common symptoms of an earwax plug. You may notice that you hear worse than usual.
  • Tinnitus. Many people with an earwax plug complain of constant noise or humming in their ears. This can be ringing, whistling, rattling, or buzzing noises.
  • Pain in the ears. An earwax plug can cause discomfort or pressure in the ears. Some people feel pain when they touch their ears or move their heads.
  • Dizziness. Many patients with earwax plug complain of dizziness. This is a dangerous symptom, which can lead to a fall. And falls are dangerous because of potential injuries. This is especially dangerous for the elderly. Their bones are more fragile than those of young ones. In addition, they don't overgrow well. Therefore, every fall carries a serious health hazard.
  • Weakness and fatigue. You may feel weak and tired because of an earwax plug.
  • A feeling of tightness in the ear. An earwax plug can cause a feeling of tightness in the ear as if there were absorbent cotton in it. 

If you have any of these symptoms, it is important to see an ear wax removal doctor. The specialist will examine you and remove the cause of the problem. Removal of an ear wax plug is quick and painless.

Useful tips for preventing earwax plugs

Can you prevent earwax plugs? Yes, if you follow the following prevention tips.

  1. Clean your ears properly. Wash your ears with ear-cleaning solutions available at the drugstore. They'll help to gently dissolve and remove earwax.
  2. Avoid excessive ear hygiene. It is best to clean the ears once or twice a week. Do not allow bacteria and viruses to enter the ear. Excessive ear hygiene can destroy the natural barrier that protects the ears from infections.
  3. Keep an eye on the level of moisture in your ears. Earwax is produced by the ear gland, which works optimally when there is a certain level of moisture in the ears. If there is a lot of dryness inside the ears, the earwax may be denser. This increases the risk of earwax plug formation.
  4. Avoid using cotton swabs. Cotton sticks can push earwax deeper into the ear canal. This can lead to the formation of an earwax plug.
Tameka Cowher

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