
These are the notes for chemistry taught in first year. It includes notes for the organic chemistry which includes topics such as substitution reaction and nucleophillic addition and related topics.It also includes JD Lee book and ppt for notes of photochemistry.


THIS is the question paper and book for computer language C. C is the most basic language and is very important to understand the more complex languages. It also includes vook by Yashwant Kanetkar.


This are the ppts for engineering thermodynamics . It includes all the important concepts and study material in a very detailed way. This subject is usually taught during the first year and you can score very well if you go through all this. This also includes some solution of work energy topic


This is hand written notes of Engineering mathematics-2. This subject includes topics as Vector Space,Differential Equations,Complex Integration and Linear Transformation. All the contents are arranged week wise and thus easy to understand.