Shruti Goyal

Btech ece at Maharaja agrasen institute of technology new Delhi

Studied at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, New Delhi

Oops notes for Ip University 4th semester students

This knowledge contains the complete notes of object oriented programming subject unit 1

Linear programming notes for bsc students

This attachment contains the notes of the linear programming of bsc honors mathematics subject

Conversation with Robert V Hogg biography

This knowledge contains about the famous author of mathematics Robert V Hogg.

Signal and systems lab manual

This knowledge contains the complete lab manual of signals and systems lab for ip University 3 semester students

Chomsky classification notes- theory of computation

This attachment contains the complete notes on the topic Chomsky classification of thoery of computation subject

Electronics devices and circuits unit 2 notes for Ip University

This knowledge contains the notes for unit 2 of electronics devices and circuits of 2nd semester of ip University.this knowledge consists information regarding diode

Logic design In CMOS

This knowledge contains the information about all the logic design used in pspice simulation. You can learn more about logic design by going through this knowledge

Local government topic in political science for Upsc mains

This attachment contains the complete understanding of the topic local government in political science for Upsc mains preparation

Upsc mains question paper of economics GS-3

This attachment contains the question paper of upsc mains general studies 3 of economics. Practice this paper for improvement of your knowledge .

Constitutional bodies for upsc preparation

This knowledge contains about all the constitutional bodies made by the government of india. Increase your general knowledge from here.

Art and culture of India

This knowledge contains the complete list of Indian art and cultures you can get any information about Indian culture and heritage from this knowledge.

Diode equivalent circuit handwritten notes for GATE

This knowledge contains handwritten notes for the diode equivalent circuit like it contains behavior of diode in forward reversed bias and different types of diode model.