Divya Bhatt

Wedding choreography at Twist kamariyaa

Studied at NAEMD

Wedding Industry pt.2

This unit gives you a basic idea of the statistics of the wedding industry. It explains the need and role of a wedding planner. It also provide you basic tips yo prepare for a wedding budget. It carries a detailed checklist to keep a track on wedding budget.

Planning of event expenses pt.4

An event budget is a forecast of the income and expenditure that the event will incur. This is based on the plans that are made and the information that is gathered. The preparation of a budget is an essential part of event management. You will also get to learn about being corporate socially.

Wedding Industry pt.4

This unit gives you a basic idea of the statistics of the wedding industry. It explains the need and role of a wedding planner. It also provide you basic tips yo prepare for a wedding budget. It carries a detailed checklist to keep a track on wedding budget.

Wedding Industry

This unit gives you a basic idea of the statistics of the wedding industry. It explains the need and role of a wedding planner. It also provide you basic tips yo prepare for a wedding budget. It carries a detailed checklist to keep a track on wedding budget.

Questions: Managing Event Expenses

These are some of questions related to managing event expenses. I’ve also uploaded “Planning event expenses” so you can check out them as well.

Managing Event Expenses pt.4

In this unit, we will learn about various categories of expenses, bifurcating expenses and monitoring expenses. We will also learn to develop a system to track expenses along with cash management, event revenue streams, event profit centre and market analysis.

Managing Event Expenses pt.2

In this unit, we will learn about various categories of expenses, bifurcating expenses and monitoring expenses. We will also learn to develop a system to track expenses along with cash management, event revenue streams, event profit centre and market analysis.

Wedding Industry pt.3

This unit gives you a basic idea of the statistics of the wedding industry. It explains the need and role of a wedding planner. It also provide you basic tips yo prepare for a wedding budget. It carries a detailed checklist to keep a track on wedding budget.

Aspects of wedding planning

This unit will help you understand the basic nitty- gritties involved in planning a wedding. This unit aims to make you understand different customs and rituals through examples. It aims to get you acquainted with the minute detailing of work involved in planning a wedding.

Aspects of wedding planning pt.2

This unit will help you understand the basic nitty- gritties involved in planning a wedding. This unit aims to make you understand different customs and rituals through examples. It aims to get you acquainted with the minute detailing of work involved in planning a wedding.

Aspects of wedding planning pt.3

This unit will help you understand the basic nitty- gritties involved in planning a wedding. This unit aims to make you understand different customs and rituals through examples. It aims to get you acquainted with the minute detailing of work involved in planning a wedding.

Aspects of wedding planning pt.4

This unit will help you understand the basic nitty- gritties involved in planning a wedding. This unit aims to make you understand different customs and rituals through examples. It aims to get you acquainted with the minute detailing of work involved in planning a wedding.