Ashwathy Joshy

Student at XLRI Jamshedpur

Studied at XLRI Jamshedpur

How would you move mount Fuji?

How the world's smartest companies select the most creative thinkers

How to win friends and influence people

This book talks about the fundamental techniques in handling people

Who will cry when you die

Written by motivator Robin Sharma,it is one of the best sellers in self help books category

Authentic leadership

It talks about the leadership skill development

30 days of inspiration

30days of inspiration- ideas to energize your story writing

10 rules for brilliant women

A workbook to help live your brilliance,share your ideas and change the world now.

HBR - discovering your authentic leadership

We all have the capacity to inspire and empower others. But we must first be willing to devote ourselves to our personal growth and development as leaders