What is Theory of Computation? , DFA and FSM.

What is Theory of Computation? , DFA and FSM.

what is Myhill- Nerode Theorem with example and difference between NFA and DFA.

what is Myhill- Nerode Theorem with example and difference between NFA and DFA.

What is Regular Expression and its laws with questions.

What is Regular Expression and its laws with questions.

Arden's Theory Identities with proof, Pumping Lemma and Its applications.

Arden's Theory Identities with proof, Pumping Lemma and Its applications.

closure property of regular expressions and D/B Mealy and Moore Machine.

closure property of regular expressions and D/B Mealy and Moore Machine.

Turing Machine and its Features,Types and Techniques of Turing Machine.

Turing Machine and its Features,Types and Techniques of Turing Machine.

regular expressions in TOC

power point presentation on regular expressions in theory of computation

minimization of DFA in TOC

power point presentation on minimization of DFA in theory of computation.

compiler design in theory of computation

notes on introduction to compiler design and how the compiler works on instructions .

Minimisation of DFA in theory of computation

Notes on minimisation of DFA in theory of computation

notes on - NfaEpsilonDefined

notes on - NfaEpsilonDefined