Knowledge in sensors and transducers

Dynamics Of Instruments

This file contains detailed description of the dynamics of instruments systems. The generalised performance of systems is also dicussed briefly using formals. It is an important topic in sensors and transducers.

Electrical Networks

This file has all the necessary details of the Electrical Networks. The resistive, capacitive, and inductive networks are discussed which gives a good understanding to the user.

Electromechanical Systems

This file has a detailed description of the electromechanical systems. All the neccessary formulas are discussed along with derivations accompanied by diagrams for easier understanding.

Data Transmission

This file contains all the details of how data gets transmitted through the lines. The telemetry is thoroughly discussed and is am an important part of sensors and transducers.

Landline Telemetry

This file has all the detailed explanation of how data gets transmitted through the landline. The telemetry is dicussed briefly. The open loop type telemetry systems are discussed along with graphs and diagrams.

Time Division Multiplexing

The file has all the necessary details about the Time division multiplexing also called TDM. It's an important part of Data transmission. The pulse time modulation is discussed along with graphs.

Semiconductors Sensors

This file has all the details of how sensors can be built using a semiconductor and its usage and differences. It tells about the materials being used and the techniques being applied for the construction.

Smart Sensors

This file has all the discussions about the sensors being smart enough to sense. It tells about how the micro embedded chips make a sensor smart. The configuration of smart sensors are discussed along with diagrams.

Signal processing circuits

This file has all the details about the Signal processing circuits. The voltage regulators are explained using simple zener diode and emitter follower zener diode. The DC power suplies are discussed.

Inverse Transducers

This file has a detailed description about the Inverse Transducers. The derivation and working is explained properly along with neat diagrams and formulas. It is an important topic for signals and transducers.

Feedback Transducer Systems

This file has detailed description of the Feedback Transducers Systems. It is an important topic in sensors and transducers. It is explained thoroughly along with block diagrams for proper understanding.

Beam Balance Systems

This file has all the details an engineer needs to know about the Beam Balance Systems. It is explained thoroughly along with diagrams and also blocks diagrams. It is an important topic in the field of electronics.