Digital Temperature and Humidity sensor

The article contains self-explanatory information on the digital humidity and temperature for the easy understanding of the working of the buzzer.

Technical article - Flex sensor

This ppt prepared by well-experienced faculty in ECE branch for a better understanding Flex sensor. The ppts are self explanatory with good number of examples.

Technical article - MQ series sensors

This ppt prepared by well-experienced faculty in ECE branch for a better understanding on MQ series sensors. The ppts are self explanatory with good number of examples.

Sensors interfacing to arduino

Sensors interfacing with arduino of trc club of sreenidhi institute of science and technology, telanagana

Iot-Sensors,Actuation,Shape Memory Polymers and Basics of IoT Networking

this ppt has about subject of Iot-Sensors,Actuation,Shape Memory Polymers and Basics of IoT Networking .

microprocessor 8086 instruction set

this is a pdf which consist instruction set of 8086