Knowledge in programming languages

Important c programming questions with answers

This file contains course outcomes of the subject and it contains some important questions in c program. It also includes some multiple choice questions which are very useful for competitive exams and for interview exams .it is the clear discription of the subject without any ambiguity and in sequence pattern.

Computer programming question paper

This paper includes some very important questions related to programming which are very useful.the question paper is divided into two s Parts.part A and part B. first part consists of short answer questions and second part consists of long answer questions.

Computer programming questions

This paper includes some very important questions related to programming which are very useful.the question paper is divided into two s Parts.part A and part B. first part consists of short answer questions and second part consists of long answer questions.and it is very easy to understand and solve the questions without any ambiguity

programming for problem solving

This paper includes some very important questions related to programming which are very useful.the question paper is divided into two s Parts.part A and part B. first part consists of short answer questions and second part consists of long answer questions.and it is very easy to understand and solve the questions without any ambiguity.

C programming important questions

This document contains external exam questions on arrays, structure and union and searching and sorting techniques

C programming questions without answers.

This document contains important questions on programming which can be expected in exams. this document contains questions like searching and sorting techniques.

Computer programming in c

This document contains information on pre processor directives, steps for execution of a program, types of data types and its sizes and many more.

ESP cloud Display name Arduino Program

Arduino program for the ESP Cloud display name extension is .ino needs to be coded on a arduino board

Hypertext Markup Language

Hyper Text Markup Language, used for web development and is very easy for the users to learn. The content covers almost every topic which is required for a beginner to understand HTML as a language. It also has some advanced parts of HTML which are easily understandable and are easy to practice too. Happy Learning!

Cascading Style Sheet

Cascading Style Sheet is used with HTML and is basically used for the styling of the web page which is created with the help of HTML. The content of HTML is also provided in my profile which covers almost all aspects needed to go through before going for CSS. Happy Learning, peeps!

Arrays Function (BCA)

Arrays is one most important part and a bit tricky to learn topics of any language in computer. The content provides simplifies the topic to a fairly good extent. .


Jquery the content basically is a pdf book. which will cover all the topics for the subject and give the reader a brief overview about the subject. The book also contains some advanced information about the course. Happy Learning!