Knowledge in Physics engineering

Classification of equilibrium points - IIT

Detailed printed notes of classification of equilibrium by IIT. Accurate data and information of the topic.

Function method - physics

Described function method notes by IIT Bombay. Printed and explained notes on the topic.

Ray model - engineering

Notes on Ray model. Printed material, accurate and detailed information about the topic.

Electric field potential - engineering

Detailed and accurate information on the topic. Printed study material on the topic electric field potential.

Tutorial sheet engineering physics

This is the main topic which would help you to improve in the whole physics which would help you to improve your skills. Tutorial sheets would help you to understand the lessons easily accessible anywhere

Engineering physics chapter 1 interfrence 3

In this pdf their is full knowledge of engineering physics chapter 1 interference with important terms.

Multi Ferroric Materials

physic notes on multi Ferroric Materials

wave function and Schrodinger Equations

properties of wave function and Schrödinger equations

Root mean square value

In mathematics and its applications, the root mean square (RMS or rms) is defined as the square root of the mean square (the arithmetic mean of the squares of a set of numbers). The RMS is also known as the quadratic mean and is a particular case of the generalized mean with exponent 2.


This pdf contains important notes based on ACOUSTICS ( PHYSICS ), This pdf is very important for first year student