Knowledge in Philosophy of science


The clip includes notes on "Reaching the age of adolescence" for Class 8 CBSE.

Markov decision process

This PPT is all about markov decison process which includes:- 1- What is Markov about Mdps 2-defining Mdps 3- How to learn models 4-model design


This PDF is on the chapter of Generalization which includes the following topics:- 1-Introduction 2- learning goals 3- Measuring generalization 4- Reasoning about Generalization

Artificial neural networks

This PDF includes the following topics:- 1-introduction 2-ANN representation 3-perceptron training 4-gradient decent and delta rule

Science sample question paper class 9th

Science sample question paper class 9th

Sustainable development , science - class 10th

This is sustainable development basic notes of science, class - 10th,

Science question paper - CBSE CLASS 10TH

This is question paper of science subject of class 10th of CBSE

Science question paper - CBSE CLASS 10TH

This is question paper of science subject term 1 along with suggested answers under cbse class -10th

Rules of nomenclature - class 11th

These are notes of science stream of 11th class about the rules of nomenclature

types of conjugation - chemistry

These notes are about types of conjugation and aromatic characters - chemistry(science)

Optical isomerism - chemistry

These notes are about Optical isomerism - chemistry

Deuterium base - chemistry

This notes is about Deuterium base - chemistry for class 12th and is about Deuterium exchange