Knowledge in motivational techniques

It is all the Game of Destiny

“Destiny is the push of our instincts to the pull of our purpose.” What is Destiny? The events that occur in our life for a particular reason is generally termed as destiny? But is all that true? Are all we designed for a particular purpose? Is there any pre-defined end of our life? Let us see……

How to make this world a better place to live in?

In my early school days i went through a quote: “Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change their selves” At that time, I did not understand that how the people can change theirselves??But now i am clear with the quote. Now my question is how will we make this place a better place to live in? I have presented some of the things in my earlier blog “Towards A New World”. You can consider this Blog as the Sequel of that Blog. How will we change ourselves/ How Can we change ourselves to change the world? There are a few (3) points that i am mentioning that we all should be aware of..... Read this for the furthermore information of that...

Towards A new world..

I was reading the speech “Towards A New World” By Charles Spencer Profoundly Known as Charlie Chaplin which he delivered in the 1940’s American Film The Great Dictator. This political satire was written, directed and produced by Charlie himself. This speech at the end of the film provides an excellent roadmap of how a citizenry can conquer the issues and how a selfless leader should view the world. Read this space for further writeup

How to speak so that people want to Listen

The Human voice is the only instrument that every human being(most probably) play. It is the most powerful sound in the world, probably. It can start a war( e.g. Mahabharata) or even can say “I love You.” And yet, many people have experience that when they speak people do not listen to them. And Why is that? There are Few Reasons that I’ve listed in this space that may be the reason for that.

How to speak so that people want to listen-2

Let Me continue to the topic That I left Behind in the last blog. If you havent’t read that yet please Check it from here“How to Speak So that People Want to listen”-1 Let me continue……

Transforming era of Education

Nowadays, education is transforming at a high pace..This space contains about out more

Organisational behavior - Motivation

Motivation is one's direction to behaviour, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behaviour, a set of force that acts behind the motives. An individual's motivation may be inspired by others or events (extrinsic motivation) or it may come from within the individual (intrinsic motivation).

Motivation theories

The document gives a quick read on various motivational theories namely hierarchy of needs, two factor theory, McClelland's Theory of Needs, McGregor's theory of X and Y, Self- Determination Theory, Goal Setting Thoery, Self- efficacy theory, Reinforcement Theory, Equity Theory and Expectancy Theory

What's motivate you ans 2

Sample Answer #2I want to challenge myself constantly. It is necessary to keep refining one’s skills and never stop learning. When I am posed with a tough situation, I start by making a list of the possible positive outcomes from that situation. For example, I had to prepare a market report for a client on their current strategy. The timelines were tough and I had to present it the next day. I realised that finishing this project within the remaining work hours was next to impossible. Adding to the pressure, I had to work on this project by myself. I began with making a list of the positive outcomes from working on this project. There were so many! I did not mind staying back late to finish my work. Next morning, I came in early and asked my supervisor to look through the presentation. With the feedback incorporated, I was ready to present it to the client at the scheduled time. I was really tired but the excitement of achieving my positive outcomes was more than enough to keep me charged up.

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StorySUP is a Digital Publishing Platform for Positive Contents, Uplifting News, Inspiring Stories & more Good News. Story Sup allows to Get, Create, Post, Publish & Share Positive Contents, Thoughts, Trending News, Articles, Stories, Links, Information, etc. StorySup Spreads Positivity to Kill Negativity. A Property of Idearmy Inc.People tend to pay more attention to negative words in headlines but we hate negativity. the reality is We can not ignore negative things! we have to present the negative things to compare & highlight the positive things. we have to tell what's wrong to show what's right. we have to talk about what is bad to mention how to make it good. we have to discuss on a problem to find its solution. After all Our focus is on the Positive side. Our final product is positivity.Visit:

Management- Motivation

In this file you will learn and get notes of the following:- 》Meaning of Motivation 》Types of Motivation 》Importance of Motivation 》Techniques of Motivation 》Theories and many more subject related to Motivation

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a model for understanding the motivations for human behavior. It maps different motivations onto a pyramid, with each level representing a different human need. These include physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.