Knowledge in graphs

Depth First Search

Depth-first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. The algorithm starts at the root node (selecting some arbitrary node as the root node in the case of a graph) and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking.

MFCS Printed Material.

This is complete printed PDF for Graduation students. MFCS stands for Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science. This book is best for JNTUH students as well as other students too.


This file contains the concept of C++ with a detailed explanation ... A binary search tree (BST) or ordered binary tree is a type of binary tree where the nodes are arranged in order: for each node, all elements in its left subtree are less-or-equal to the node ().In computing, binary trees are used in two very different ways: First, as a means of accessing nodes based on some value or label associated with each node. Binary trees labelled this way are used to implement binary search trees and binary heaps, and are used for efficient searching and sorting


This PDF consist of notes of ELEMENTARY GRAPH ALGORITHMS in DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM with brief explanation and example, which will be helpful in semester and gate exam.

Graphs of straight lines

Graphs of straight lines

Graphing lines

Graphing lines


Graphs and types of graphs

Trees and Graphs

Graph is a non linear data structure, it contains a set of points known as nodes (or vertices) and set of links known as edges (or Arcs) which connects the vertices. Generally, a graph G is represented as G = ( V , E ), where V is set of vertices and E is set of edges. A tree, is a finite set of nodes together with a finite set of directed edges that define parent-child (Hierarchical )relationships. Each directed edge connects a parent to its child.

graph theory book for engineering students

graph theory book for engineering students

graph theory book for engineering students

graph theory book for engineering students


These are the notes of the subject Career guidance and English language and are targeted to one of the difficult subtopics of Charts Surface and Diagrams. These will prove beneficial to all the students of all branches/fields out there and help them to score good marks in their exams are make them more structure-oriented.

Operation Research

This article is about Operation Research of Allied Mathematics