Knowledge in Gate Exam


This PPT contain notes related to TRANSMISSION MEDIA AND PHYSICAL LAYER, which generally thought in 5th semester. And it also contain example questions.

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery - Basics

Most useful to the people who are interested to participate in competetive exams like GATE , GRE etc.....The notes contains basic properties of fluids.

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery - Fluid Properties

the notes consists of properties of fluids and the properties that are to be concidered and neglected during the fluid flow.

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery - Flow Equation

The notes consists of the bernoullis theorem,its applications .

Turbines And their Properties

the notes consists of turbines,types of turbines and their properties

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery: Pumps

the notes consists of pumps,types of pumps ,properties etc....

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery - Dimensional analysis

consists of units and dimentions ....the basics that everyone must know

Material and Manufacturing Engineering

This notes consists of structures and properties of crystals.

Material and Manufacturing Engineering - shape defects

This notes consists of structures and properties of crystals.

Material and Manufacturing Engineering -Crystal Defects

the notes consists of basic structures and properties of crystals and crystal defects

Material and Manufacturing Engineering - Basics of structures

the notes consists of basic structures and properties of crystals and crystal defects

Material and Manufacturing Science -Strengths of Metals

this notes consists of the properties of metals like hardness, toughness, strength etc....