Knowledge in finance stock


Sharing the notes of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE in this Attachment. The content includes topics such as Cybernetics And Brain Simulation, Symbolic, Cognitive Simulation, Logic-based, "Anti-logic" or "scruffy", Knowledge-based, Sub-symbolic, Bottom-up, Embodied, Situated, Behavior-based Or Nouvelle AI, Computational Intelligence And Soft Computing, etc. Watch related videos on this link -

Finance - Bull Finance

A bull market is the condition of a financial market of a group of securities in which prices are rising or are expected to rise. The term "bull market" is most often used to refer to the stock market but can be applied to anything that is traded, such as bonds, real estate, currencies and commodities. Because prices of securities rise and fall essentially continuously during trading, the term "bull market" is typically reserved for extended periods in which a large portion of security prices are rising. Bull markets tend to last for months or even years.

Shares and stocks of a company under business law

Shares of a company and how stocks are valued how stocks are purchased . Dividends , stocks , shares etc.