Knowledge in Fermentation

All about Beer

Everything you need to know about beer, From the grains to the process From manufacturing to different brands and types of beer and Ale

Fermentation Technology

Studying is nothing without practice. Practice makes a man perfect. So there are ample of questions to be practiced to improve and test your preparation level. These questions are taken from various books and approved by our teachers. Will help to fetch you good marks in exam.

Fermentation Technology 2

Studying is nothing without practice. Practice makes a man perfect. So there are ample of questions to be practiced to improve and test your preparation level. These questions are taken from various books and approved by our teachers. Will help to fetch you good marks in exam.

Production of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is produced through salt-controlled bacterial fermentation. Cabbage selected for sauerkraut should have at least 3.5% sugar to insure an adequate carbohydrate source for bacteria. Shredded cabbage is mixed with salt (2.25% by weight) and the final product contains an average of 1.5–2.0% lactic acid.