Knowledge in Computer Science and Engineering

Complete notes for c programming

This document contains 1.arrays, types of arrays(single and multi dimensional arrays) and some simple programs using arrays. 2.strings and string manipulation function and programs related to string functions. 3.arrays to pointers with programs. 4.structures with programs. 5.introduction to pointers. 6.arrrays to pointers. 7.self referential structure. 8.enumrated data types and some important questions which are previously asked in the exams.

Interview questions in programming

This document contains very important questions that are asked in interview and very useful for learning is very helpful for student as well as job seekers in IT industry. Some questions which are included, to install turbo c++? to run turbo c++?

Important c programming questions with answers

This file contains course outcomes of the subject and it contains some important questions in c program. It also includes some multiple choice questions which are very useful for competitive exams and for interview exams .it is the clear discription of the subject without any ambiguity and in sequence pattern.

Computer programming question paper

This paper includes some very important questions related to programming which are very useful.the question paper is divided into two s Parts.part A and part B. first part consists of short answer questions and second part consists of long answer questions.

Computer programming questions

This paper includes some very important questions related to programming which are very useful.the question paper is divided into two s Parts.part A and part B. first part consists of short answer questions and second part consists of long answer questions.and it is very easy to understand and solve the questions without any ambiguity

programming for problem solving

This paper includes some very important questions related to programming which are very useful.the question paper is divided into two s Parts.part A and part B. first part consists of short answer questions and second part consists of long answer questions.and it is very easy to understand and solve the questions without any ambiguity.


This ppt contain the detailed information related to the sensor technology and the content in the ppt is error free and contain the information that can be easily understood and helps to develop the knowledge of the reader.


This ppt conatins the information related to the artificial intelligence and the appplication of it in the driving style recognition and ensures the development of the knowledge related to the artificial intelligence.


This ppt contains the information related to the development of knowledge related to the engineering manufacturing workshop and it covers the information related to the metal casting.


This ppt contain the information related to the measures of central tendency and ensures the development of the knowledge in the engineering mathematics sector and ensures the probability and statistics theory.


This PDF consists of the information related to the inductor and it is written in easy understanding language and it is of good quality and error free and the content is the user friendly and can be easily understood by the reader.


This is the Ròbótîçs Bot and is purely related to the Autonomous Ròbótîçs project and it deeply involved the Elëçtrôñîçs interfacing with the Software and it completely relates to the technical knowledge. It is an innovative project.