Knowledge in C Programming with Solutions

Some important c programming questions

This document contains some important c programming questions which covers at 30% of the syllabus and it comes with questions like classes. 2.arrays concept. 3.matrices using arrays. 4.structures. 5.strings. 6.pre defined functions. 7.pointers.

Programming for problem solving using c

This document contains some important objectives and it is very useful for interview exams.the objective bits are very important and useful for computer science and engineering students.for interviews these kinds of questions may gonna help you in exams.

Complete notes for c programming

This document contains 1.arrays, types of arrays(single and multi dimensional arrays) and some simple programs using arrays. 2.strings and string manipulation function and programs related to string functions. 3.arrays to pointers with programs. 4.structures with programs. 5.introduction to pointers. 6.arrrays to pointers. 7.self referential structure. 8.enumrated data types and some important questions which are previously asked in the exams.

Some important c programs using expressions

This file contains some basic information regarding programming and some useful programs such as: 1.c program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer and the test the given number is palindrome or not. 2.c program to find the Fibonacci series. 3. C program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.

Interview questions in programming

This document contains very important questions that are asked in interview and very useful for learning is very helpful for student as well as job seekers in IT industry. Some questions which are included, to install turbo c++? to run turbo c++?

ANSI implementation and specific standards

This document contains ANSI implementation and specific standards. It contains command line arguments and basic numbering using ansi values and identifying a diagnostic. The representations and sets of values of the various types of integers.

Important c programming questions with answers

This file contains course outcomes of the subject and it contains some important questions in c program. It also includes some multiple choice questions which are very useful for competitive exams and for interview exams .it is the clear discription of the subject without any ambiguity and in sequence pattern.

Computer programming question paper

This paper includes some very important questions related to programming which are very useful.the question paper is divided into two s Parts.part A and part B. first part consists of short answer questions and second part consists of long answer questions.

Computer programming questions

This paper includes some very important questions related to programming which are very useful.the question paper is divided into two s Parts.part A and part B. first part consists of short answer questions and second part consists of long answer questions.and it is very easy to understand and solve the questions without any ambiguity

programming for problem solving

This paper includes some very important questions related to programming which are very useful.the question paper is divided into two s Parts.part A and part B. first part consists of short answer questions and second part consists of long answer questions.and it is very easy to understand and solve the questions without any ambiguity.

Programming and problem solving through C

These are the programs given by our faculty after referring to many books of programming.And these PDFs contain different programs with effective and simple code which can be easily understood by students.

C programming important questions

This document contains external exam questions on arrays, structure and union and searching and sorting techniques