Nikhil Jain Nikhil Jain

One fine evening, I was sitting on the rooftop cherishing solitude. I was feeling the cool breeze  kissing me. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind and I went beside myself ruminating the times when I wanted something badly. So badly that I would have done anything and everything just to get that. And I realised every time I fulfil my wishes, my mood swings completely and I no longer cherish the things I get as much as I used to, earlier. It’s like I am insatiable. I never feel satisfied and start looking for other fishes in the sea. Consequently, I never feel happiness within. There persists a sense of perpetual emptiness in my heart. I keep tormenting myself thinking- “if I had this, my life would be perfect; if I had that, my life would be perfect”. There is no end to such absurdness and hence no peace within. 

That day, I couldn’t resist harping on myself  questioning-
Why enough is never enough ?
Why do the objects of desire lose their sheen with time ?
what’s the sense of such a life when you have everything yet no peace within ?
These question sent shockwaves into my heart. I felt as though I was a wretch who had everything yet nothing for, I couldn’t recall even a single thing that makes me happy all the time. All of my life, I had been chasing the pleasures which were good from far but far from good. Nothing could really tame my restless soul.
Really, the biggest irony of the life is: To all of us, the material things are more endearing than the dear ones. There is nothing wrong in pursuing happiness but what’s wrong is our means. We resort to material things to extract happiness but the fact is: sooner or later, all they can extract is sheer pain. We are looking for instant pleasure but that brings with it the lasting pain but it gets too late when we realise it.
It was for the first time in my life that I realised that the essence of life lies in cherishing what we have instead of grieving for what we don’t, because this is the only way to find happiness within and around us. I heard people talking about this thing myriad times but never ever felt it in a heartfelt way. May be because I’m too much into rat race to be able to find any moments of solitude to introspect.

But since that day onwards, I extractsuch moments of solitude and realising that indeed, solitude is bliss. A few minutes of self talk and a heartfelt gratitude at the end of the day is more than enough to keep me bonded with myself. I have been doing this for sometime now and I feel the quality of my life is enhancing profoundly.

Do you also find yourself in the same boat ?
If yes, do introspect and realise what’s actually worth running after. This may change your way of looking at life.

Signing off is NIKHIL JAIN !!!!
Have a great time ahead !!!!

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