Goutam Ahuja Goutam Ahuja

Helen Keller, this is a very popular name that you may have already heard of. But before we talk about her book, let’s have a brief introduction of her.

So, Who was Helen Keller?

Helen (1880-1968) was the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree. Just imagine, you live in a world of silence & complete darkness, but could still talk, write, read, and make friends. Do you think this is possible? But she proved that it is Possible. In fact, she attended the college, wrote a dozen of  books, traveled all over the world, met 12 U.S. presidents, and also, lived to be 87. Can you do that with your eyes & hear at their best? I don’t think so. How she did that was a confusing question for me, until I read her Autobiography; The Story of Life, that unfolded some amazing things and Ideas that I could never think of.

What are my views about the book?

The Story of My Life, available in 50 languages is a triumph of the writer over her deafness and blindness. In this Autobiography, she has locked a great inspiring story that takes us on an unforgettable journey. From the movement, she learned the word “Water” when her teacher spelled it into her hands to the time when she completed her college. This whole journey records the events of Helen’s first twenty-two years of life. And when we are talking about her life, we can’t forget her teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan who remained her companion from the age of 7 years. And with great dedication, patience & love, she was able to evoke the child’s enormous intelligence.

I also want to mention that this book was an emotional journey for me as I have read and recommend the original version of the book that has her fresh personal touch. I wanted to share her whole story here, but it will ruin all the excitement. 

Goutam Ahuja

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Goutam Ahuja