Dushyant Jodha Dushyant Jodha

 To live peacefully, one should start install peace within (self). Charity begins at home. Then one can spread peace to family, organization where one works, and then to the world, including the environment. Only who are at peace can spread peace. You can’t gift an article which you do not possess. The essence of oriental philosophy is that one should not fight for peace. It is oxymoron. War or peace can be won only by peace, and not by wars!  One should adopt the following means to live peacefully, in the world Nurture

 Order in one’s life (self-regulation, discipline, and duty).

 Pure thoughts in one’s soul (loving others, blessing others, friendly, and not criticizing or hurting others by thought, word ordeed)

.  Creativity in one’s head (useful and constructive).

 Beauty in one’s heart (love, service, happiness, and peace). Get

 Good health/body (Physical strength for service to enjoy the academic environment in the institution)

 Help the needy with head, heart, and hands (charity). Service to the poor is considered holier than the service to God. Not hurting and torturing others physically, verbally, or mentally. 

Dushyant Jodha

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Dushyant Jodha