Dijons Dimension Dijons Dimension

If you’re a writer, then you’ll undoubtedly know the frustration of failing to create good work. Maybe you’re suffering from writer’s block. Or even worse, you have a great idea that ends up falling flat when you put pen to paper. It can be frustrating but stick with it. Follow this three-step process to become a better creative writer.

1 - Work with inspiring people

First, you must surround yourself with creatives who can inspire and educate you. Reach out to someone like Dijon Bowden and ask how you can get involved. Join a community and ask as many questions as possible. Other writers will be incredibly happy to help you improve.

2 - Read inspiring works

Another way to inspire yourself is to read more often. Without even knowing it, the work of others will rub off on your own writing. So read as widely as possible, focusing on the best and most prolific authors.

3 - Write freely and often

Don’t limit yourself. Don’t wait for inspiration to hit. Simply start writing and do it whenever you can. Allow yourself to write terrible stories. This is all part of the process. The more you do it, the closer you’ll come to creating something great.

Dijons Dimension

Dijons Dimension Creator

Hi, I’m Dijon. I’m a multi-dimensional creativ...

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Dijons Dimension