Regele Law Regele Law

If you are going through a legal battle for child custody, you will know how stressful this experience is. Custody battles are never easy; you need to fight tooth and nail to get the control you feel you deserve. If you want to make sure you can fight this battle with confidence, you need to have a plan of action. Consider the following tips before continuing.

First off, try to resolve the dispute together

While it is unlikely that you will be able to, you should try to reason with the other parent/guardian one more time.

Things might be so bad between you both that this is nigh-impossible, but it does not hurt to try, at least. This should at least give you an idea of whether or not the issues can be resolved or whether you need to consider getting a court of law involved.

Get in touch with a legal professional

The next thing that you need to do is hire a custody lawyer. You need someone onside who understands the severity of the situation and can work with both you and the other party to find a ‘happy’ ending. They should be able to represent you in court and, where possible, give you advice on what you need to put into place to win this case.

Fighting a custody battle without legal expertise is a losing battle; always hire someone beforehand.

Get all of your information in order

Your attorney will want to see that you have clear evidence that you should be seen as the winner of custody. This should focus more on trying to show your positive side as opposed to shining a light on the issues of the other parent/guardian.

While you might need to try and create a contrast to show yourself as the one to be trusted, focus more on demonstrating your own benefits instead.

Do not make contact with the other party

While the case is ‘live,’ you should avoid contact with the other parent/guardian and any relevant people associated with them. This can easily be construed as harassment on your part. You want to create the thinking that you are calm, placid, and ready to wait for the facts to show themselves in court. Follow all advice given, and avoid inflammatory contact with the other parent/guardian to avoid escalating the situation.

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