Litwin Smith Litwin Smith

If you want to work in the United States, then you will need to get what is known as an employment visa. On your own, this can be extremely challenging. By using professional services to help you prepare everything you need, though, this can become much easier. Here are just some of the things you need to think about if you want to land that employment visa today. Where do you begin this process?

Find an employment opportunity

The first step for many to get an employment visa is to be offered an opportunity. How you find this opportunity is down to you. But if a company in America is keen to hire you, this will help you land an employment visa. Unfortunately, trying to get a visa for employment without having a job lined up or the desired skill will be very hard to pull off.

Hire a local attorney

If you are going to be making an employment visa request, you need an attorney onside who can assist you. We recommend you look for someone local. For example, if you are moving to Northern California, then you might wish to look at Litwin & Smith. You need an attorney onside to make sure you can make your points clear and ensure you are listened to. The sooner you have that attorney on your side, the easier it is to progress and make your visa attempt.

Meet all immigration compliance

Now that you have an attorney, you must work with them to ensure you can meet all immigration compliance requirements. This is very important because you need to be able to meet these requests and make specific adjustments to get your employment visa. Often, this will require lots of research and time-consuming back-and-forth with the government of the nation where you have come from. Ensuring you are compliant, though, maximizes your chances of getting a visa.

Wait for the process to conclude

Once you have begun the process of applying for your employment visa, you simply need to wait. You will periodically be asked for more updates and information, so ensure you include this information as soon as possible. Waiting for that process to finish is so important; do not try to rush or expedite the process. Your attorney can likely dig into the required details if you need more information.

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