S.  Meyer S. Meyer

Are you thinking of reporting your employer’s wrongdoing? Here are the steps to take.

Check Your Company’s Policy

Before going to the authorities or the media, make sure that you have first exhausted all your options within the company. Check out your company’s policy to verify who to report any illicit activities. Only take further action if your superior dismisses your report.

Gather Enough Evidence

Suppose your employer is already under the scrutinizing eyes of authorities. Before blowing the whistle, make sure you have new, groundbreaking information not derived from administrative or judicial hearings. You should also be able to back up your claim with proof.

Rethink Your Motives

Whistleblowing can be a long and tiring fight. Even if it’s against the law for your employer to retaliate, your life might still change. You may be alienated by your colleagues or be rejected by other companies you want to transfer to in the future. Consider if the financial rewards of blowing the whistle are worth all the mental and emotional exhaustion.

Know Your Rights

If you’re speaking up because what’s happening in your company is nagging on your conscience, you have the right motives. You should know that there are laws that protect whistleblowers from unjust retaliation from employers. Legally, you shouldn’t be fired from your job or get passed up for a promotion because you chose to follow your moral compass. If you’ve been treated unfairly, visit this website to work with a Los Angeles whistleblower attorney.

S.  Meyer

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