If you’ve been a victim of sexual harassment in your workplace, here are some steps you can take:

  • Be Forward

Some victims of harassment feel scared or uncomfortable talking to their offenders. However, being direct might do the trick to stop unwanted advances. If that didn’t help, proceed with reviewing your company’s policies concerning the matter and learn the steps you need to take when submitting a report.

  •  Write Down What Took Place

It helps to record key information about the harassment incident. For example, write down the name of the harasser, what they said or did, when and where it happened, and whether others witnessed what took place.

  • Speak to a Dependable Colleague

Your safety is paramount, and if you’re experiencing harassment, you might want to tell a trusted colleague about what’s happening. You could ask their support to not leave you alone with the person you fear.

  • Give a Report to Your Employer

Your lawyer can give you important advice when writing and submitting a report to your employer. Remember that when doing this step, it’s important that you know very well what your company’s specific policies are when submitting a sexual harassment report. 

  • Consider Your Legal Options

If you think your company did not take the necessary action, seek help from your lawyer. 

Your employee rights lawyer in Los Angeles can help you understand the steps to follow if you decide to take a legal approach. 


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