The sea foods mainly is divided into two categories −

  • Fish − They are fish with fins and internal skeleton. For example, Tuna, Mackerel, and King fish.
  • Shell Fish − They are fish with shell but no internal bone structure. For example, Crabs.

Let us understand more about Fish.


Fish can be cut for cooking in the following form −

  • Complete − As caught.
  • Dressed − Fins, tail, scales, and head removed.
  • Drawn − Viscera removed.
  • Steak − Cut into cross section slices, each slice containing a part of bone.
  • Fillets − Boneless sides of fish; with or without skin.
  • Tranches − Pieces of fillets.
  • Butterfly Fillet − Both sides fillets kept naturally joint while cutting.

Vineet Kaushal

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