Vineet Kaushal

Aspiring chef, a reader, a keen follower of dota2.

Student at IIHM Kolkata

Kohlberg's moral development theory

A detailed research on Kohlberg's moral development theory

All about Beer

Everything you need to know about beer, From the grains to the process From manufacturing to different brands and types of beer and Ale

Life span module- Adolescence

A detailed information and a life span module of human adolescent.

Basic Etiquettes

Basic Etiquettes you require to work in any field and to enhance your personal growth and development

OCD Case Study

This case illustrates a comprehensive outlook on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and the importance of awareness and correct diagnosis of a disorder according to the symptoms presented.

FST-01 Question Papers

FST-01 Question papers of IGNOU. They're of recent years. Don't include answers in them.

Different types of Packaged water used in beverages

Here's a brief information regarding the vast topic of packaged water and the types of water we use. Not only for making beverages and cocktails but for self nourishment as well. I've tried to cover all types however if I've missed any, please feel free to suggest. All the brand names of the respective sub category of packaged water has been included. Hope it's helpful. Thank you.

All about Foster's Beer

Foster's beer.. It's history to how they revolutionized the world when it came to beers.

How psychologists work and how they interpret

How psychologists deduct and figure out the problem and symptoms through sheer observation and other skills.

Telephone manners

Basic telephone etiquettes required for anyone doing a job related to many professional phone calls

TS05 Question Paper

Model question paper of TS04 of IGNOU for BTS and DTS

TS-04 Solved Assignment

Solved assignment of TS04 BTS IGNOU