Nikhil Srivastava

Student at Galgotias University

Software Project Management

Software Project Management

Python Basics

The below attatched pdf has all the information relevant about pythons .The attatchment includes contents such as ITS VARIOUS FUNCTIONS, TULIPS, DICTIONARIES,ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS, OS PATHS, OPERATORS, STRINGS ETC.

Software Engineering

The topic discussed in the attatchments below is of the concept software engineering and subject- computer science. The content in the documents below comprises of topics such as Software testinf, software design, software life cycle models, Software requirements analysis and specification, a concise introduction to software engineering, etc.

Data Mining

The topic discussed in the attatchments below is of the course computer science and he subject data mining. The content in the documents below comprises of topics such as Data Cleaning, Data mining, Data Reduction, Data Transformation, Discretization, etc.