Deepak Maltumkar

MBA student

Student at SBM, NMIMS

Marketing Communication - Context & Medium

Marketing Communication - Context & Medium

Public Policy - Housing and Land Development

Public Policy - Housing and Land Development in the Indian context

Public Policy - Smart Cities

Public Policy in India - Smart Cities

Direct and Online Marketing: Direct Relationships

Principles of Marketing Direct and Online Marketing: Building Direct Customer Relationships

Understanding Macroeconomics: Budget 2016-17

What is a budget and some other related terms. Analysis of Budget 2016-17

Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Deficit - Explained

Detailed explanation of Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Deficit in India

Macroeconomic Performance & Policies since 2000

India’s Macroeconomic Performance and Policies since 2000 - Shankar Acharya October 2008 INDIAN COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH ON INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS

Decision Theory

What is Decision Theory? Learn about decision making under uncertainty and the EOL criteria!

Correlation and Regression

Understand the basics of what correlation and regression are, these will come handy in a variety of analyses.

Forecasting Methods

What are the different kinds of forecasting methods? What is the importance of them? Learn this and more!

Introduction to Data Analysis and Modelling

Introduction to Data Analysis and Modelling - Basics and about

How AI effec the capital markets

How AI effec the capital markets