Student at Quantum University

C programming practice 15

This file contains a problem and its solution in C programming. It will help students to learn the basics of coding and programming in C. This file has problem statement that will enhance the basics of coding in C programming language.

JavaScript Practice Question42

This file contains a JavaScript practice question along with its solution. It gives an idea about programming in JavaScript. It helps in practising JavaScript.

JavaScript Practice Question43

This file contains a JavaScript practice question along with its solution. It gives an idea about programming in JavaScript. It helps in practising JavaScript.

JavaScript Introduction

This file contains some basics of javasript. What is javascript ans where is it used. It also defines various aspects of javascripts in brief. It gives an introduction to javascript.

C programming question1

This file contains a JavaScript practice question along with its solution. It gives an idea about programming in JavaScript. It helps in practising JavaScript.

C programming practice 2

This file contains a problem and its solution in C programming. It will help students to learn the basics of coding and programming in C. This file has problem statement that will enhance the basics of coding in C programming language.

C programming practice 3

This file contains a problem and its solution in C programming. It will help students to learn the basics of coding and programming in C. This file has problem statement that will enhance the basics of coding in C programming language.

JavaScript Practice Question37

This file contains a JavaScript practice question along with its solution. It gives an idea about programming in JavaScript. It helps in practising JavaScript.

JavaScript Practice Question36

This file contains a JavaScript practice question along with its solution. It gives an idea about programming in JavaScript. It helps in practising JavaScript.

Quantitative Aptitude Shortcuts

This pdf contains some very useful shortcuts for quantitative aptitude problems. It helps in enhancing the speed and accuracy of solving quantitative aptitude questions. It will provide a source to revise the tricks during the preparation of exams.

General knowledge and current affairs 3

This pdf contains a set of general knowledge and current affairs questions along with their answers. It will benefit those students who are preparing for general competition exams such as ssc , banking , railway etc. It will be a good source to revise during the preparation of the exams.

General Knowledge and Current affairs 4

This pdf contains a set of questions based on current affairs and general knowledge along with their answers. It will help those students who are preparing for competitive exams like ssc , banking , railway etc. It will provide a good source to revise the questions during the preparation of the exams.